It also announces the amount people bet and prompts the person in your party to make their call. The addon tracks all trades you make and keeps a log of what was traded in and what was traded out, which is what enables you to handle multiple betters simultaneously without being overwhelmed. This was done through an addon that a friend of mine had made that is not open source or downloadable anywhere on the internet.

Over the span of about a month I turned 600 gold into over 26k which I then turned around and sold for well over $1000. Hope you don't mind this mini Any of you who know me know that I made a fortunes worth of wow gold hosting in-game casinos. Recently, I see people shout out EFC health %.Maybe it can and I need to configure it properly, but if it can't, is there an alternative addon? I think Neat Plates? It shows enemy bars in red, though I would prefer it show enemy bars as their class colour. I don't want a heavyweight mod - prefer something just focused for this Is there a similar functioning mod that will allow you to move things around your screen (e.g., move where your debuffs show). Move Anything - I don't see it supported in Classic.Display the FC/EFC name up top (DBM PvP used to do that, I have it downloaded but it doesn't display - maybe I need to configure it somehow?).I am looking for some mods that do the following (hope someone can help): YIKES!) (finally picked up decursive and the battleground targets mod). I occasionally keep running across more addons that I like using (up to 35 addons. You can design it to give you visual/audio clues in many circumstances. I really like using tellmewhen (used it in retaiil and I am glad it is supported for Classic).